calendar July 2022 | updated icon July 2024 | read time 3 minute read | Topic Product Information Management

4 Tips to Optimize Your Google Shopping Feed For More Sales

4 Tips to Optimize Your Google Shopping Feed For More Sales

Businesses have wanted to appear on the first page of Google for years. First, it was to drive customers to your physical store. Then, the world moved online, and it went to driving traffic to your web store. And now, it’s about both while engaging customers wherever they are. 

While the use of Google has evolved, its Shopping option continues to be a buzz. The competition is tough, and you need to be unique in your strategies to increase your sales.

This is where feed optimization comes in.

Optimizing your feed for Google Shopping makes it easier for the search engine platform to “read” the product information you have, which helps you reach your ideal customer/s better. 

So, whether you have been using Google Shopping for a while or you’re a beginner in the feed game, this article is perfect for you! We’re going to share some really useful product feed optimization tips to help you maximize your chances of increasing your Google Shopping sales. 

1. Optimize your product titles to match search queries

According to Think With Google, 51% of global shoppers use Google to search for a purchase they plan to make. Sometimes, they go straight to the brand they know and love, and other times, they look for something new that can help. This is why it’s vital for your product titles to answer a search query. For example, if a customer is struggling with oily skin and is looking for a moisturizer, they aren’t only focused on the brand but on what a product can do. So, a customer would pass a product that’s titled “Clinique Day Cream,” but they’d look at one saying “Clinique Moisturizer for Oily Skin” as it answers their query more specifically. 

Not only is this good for SEO, but it can improve your conversion rate as it simplifies the purchasing process. That alone, in such a disruptive online world, can trigger a sale. 

Cream products details


When you look at the products above, the titles alone tell you: 

  • What brand it is
  • Who it’s catered for 
  • What the product is 
  • And how much product is in the bottle 

All of this information can be helpful to an online shopper who has never used the specific product and is looking for a recommendation, which increases the likelihood of a purchase. 

2. High-quality product visuals are vital 

Images will always be important in online shopping, and Google Shopping is no exception.

In fact, when relevant product images are paired with information, people are able to retain 65% of the information up to three days later! Talk about staying top of mind.

Google has so many requirements (sizing, format, URL requirements, etc.) for the images sellers use. The platform recommends using a close-up shot with a white background. This is because it makes it easier for a browser to see the product and its details, and it can help you drive more engagement. To take it a step further and see what works for your business while abiding by the requirements, you can do A/B testing between a lifestyle shot and a stock image.

Here’s a demonstration in the picture below. 

Jewellery products details


3. Have quality product information

Your written product content is just as important on Google Shopping as it is in your ecommerce store. It needs to be:

  • Complete, so clean up your data to ensure there isn’t any missing information 
  • Consistent throughout your other sales channels such as social media, marketplaces, and your webstore so that you don’t confuse customers and maintain brand identity
  • Accurate with information related to the product, such as pricing, stock availability, tax, shipping, etc., so that customers have all the information they need
  • Have rich and detailed product descriptions that replicate an in-store experience

You want your data to be accurate so that your listings in your feed showcase the information your customers are looking for. And, you don’t want your feed to be rejected by Google, which is mainly a result of missing required product data, pricing issues, the wrong currency, etc. 

4. Maintain a clear product category hierarchy

While Google automatically assigns a product category using your titles, descriptions, pricing, GTIN, and other product data, maintaining one can be helpful. To maintain it, you should take a look at Google’s taxonomy list to help you get an understanding of how to optimize yours. You can further optimize your categories by assigning your products to the best category. 

Here’s an example below. 

Google Shopping taxonomy example


This helps Google display your products to the right audience, resulting in more sales. 

Optimize your feed with a PIM system 

When it comes to selling online, a product information management tool is an investment worth making. Each sales channel requires specific information and requirements, and managing all this complex data in spreadsheets is counter-intuitive for your productivity. 

To achieve scalable success, you need a PIM database in your ecommerce tech stack. 

PIM is the secret recipe for success in ecommerce, and Plytix can make product listing optimization for Google Shopping so much easier. Store ALL of your product data in the system and have a single source of truth where your team can collaboratively format content to meet Google’s requirements. Once it's ready, send it from Plytix using our XML URL feature

Quick and easy! 

Multichannel distribution doesn’t have to be challenging; not with a master product catalog software like Plytix PIM. Download our free white paper to see how PIM for ecommerce can help you increase sales. Get in touch today and let us help you succeed when selling online!